The Daily Daisy

Welcome to the blogspot for Yanna Conway. I have a vision and passion to see women of God walk in a deep love relationship with Jesus Christ. Come in for a visit!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

YouTube - Tommy Walker - He Knows My Name

YouTube - Tommy Walker - He
Knows My Name

My thoughts to go along with this are not overly profound. It is simply truth and touches my heart.

We all long for someone to know us and not be overwhelmed by who we are and what we long for. The Lord reminded me this past week of some very basic truths of my faith...that I am LOVED and that I am a Lover of God.

Jeremiah 1:5 reminds me that before I was even in my mother's womb HE knew and approved of me. That He is the One who separated and set me apart. If my Creator believes in me, who am I to not walk as one who is loved and called? WHo am I not to believe what His word says about me?

It can be a wonderful thing to have the support and approval of friends and loved ones. But remember that the greatest supporter you have, is your Father. If you've accepted that love, no matter what else happens, no matter what else you accomplish in this are already significant and successful.