The Daily Daisy

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Up you Get!

Does anyone else ever do stupid things besides me? Does anyone out there entertain thoughts of insecurity that you know you shouldn't? There are times in my life where I feel pretty I have a handle on my emotions, I'm focused on the Lord and really I could battle on the frontlines no problem.

Then there are the other this weekend. I felt sorry for myself several times about pretty silly things....I was moody....I felt like if God asked me to do something I could not do it. But one thing I'm learning about maturing and growing up in the Lord is getting back up when we fall. It is easy to stay sitting and wallowing when the conviction of the Holy Spirit comes and even make excuses about why we should feel badly a little longer. We give the enemy room to condemn us when we do this. But we must get up....repent...turn around and continue on. We receive the correction that comes from the Lord and PRESS.

Today it reminded me of my four sons. They make mistakes and sometimes I feel frustrated or even disappointed with their choices. But ultimately as their mother, at the end of the day when we talk and I tuck them in, my heart is full of compassion. One of them will often say he doesn't want to try again. I just keep making mistakes mom! I know the truth... that he must continue to do the best he can. I hear myself saying...."the important thing honey, is that when you make a mistake, you take resonsibility for it and don't make excuses and then ask Jesus to help you the next time to make the right choice." Wow... it sounds like some good advice.

The truth is that we are weak in ourselves. But if we surrender our weakness to Him and repent when we fall....He is strong. Remember the childhood song we all learned.."Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so, little ones to Him belong, they are weak but HE is STRONG."

Here is a thought I'll leave you with for today....

I'm continually amazed with my own failures. But the wonder of it all is that GOd keeps working on me and through me anyway. I'm convinced He's worked more through my failures than my successes. I'm so grateful the Bible is packed with failures who became champions of the faith: the Peters, the Davids, the Moseses, the John Marks, and the Jonahs. Their stories show me that God isn't looking at our acheivements, but at us--and that even my failures can be used for His ultimate glory.

Tim Hansel, Holy Sweat

So hey everyone....UP YOU GET!


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